2019 Summer Residency
Join us for a week long summer residency exploring the theme, "Beyond Tradition."
JUNE 16-21, UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN COLORADO CAMPUS ArtSource summer residency offers art educators an immersive professional development experience that is run by teachers for teachers. This summer's theme, Beyond Tradition," will look at the benefits of traditions and moving forward beyond our current practices. As artists and educators we seek to find ways to weave innovative, creative experiences into our practice. This is an opportunity to reawaken the deeper reason for teaching and making art.
What is included in this amazing $600 residency experience?
We are excited to confirm the following Guest Artists!Nicole Banowetz, Denver, Colorado, sculptural/installation artist, presentation and hands-on group installation work.
http://www.nicolebanowetz.com/ Julia Marshall, San Francisco State University, art education, presentation/discussion of art as a form of inquiry for all learning. https://theartofeducation.edu/2016/08/23/august-importance-integration-conversation-julia-marshall/ Michael Jay McClure, PhD Contemporary Art History, University of Wisconsin, Madison, presentation/discussion of art in a post media age. arthistory.wisc.edu/people/faculty/mcclurearthistory.wisc.edu/people/faculty/mcclure Christian Dore's work explores the impressions of the lush environment around him. He takes the expressive qualities of color and mixes them with a somewhat whimsical narrative to capture his feelings. For more about him visit his website at: christiandore.com We are continuing to develop the week and other guest artists will be announced soon! Please check back. |
Enjoy the state-of-the art facilities on
the UNC campus |
Questions about the 2019 Summer Residency? Please contact us.
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