Leading the Evolution of Art Education and Developing Artists Artsource is a community of artists/teachers/researchers that provides a safe immersive space for evolving contemporary art and teaching practices. ● We believe art is a powerful agent for change. ● We strive to build and support artist, leaders, learners and teachers ● We provide safe communities and connections for artist/teachers/researchers ● We believe art and teaching are fluid in nature
ArtSource is a dynamic creative community of teachers. It provides an ongoing, immersive professional development experience that is run by teachers for teachers.
Art educators may annually register for ArtSource Colorado Summer Residency, a week-long program where participants receive standards-based instruction, leadership training, and valuable art making time and resources. Nationally and internationally recognized artists, speakers, and educators are a featured part of this exciting program. Follow-up instruction and advanced training and development continues throughout the school year.